
Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Shot Sizes

Apply the knowledge you have learnt from this video, by drawing on boxes on the picture below to show the following shot sizes.

  • Close Up
  • Extreme Close Up

  • Wide Shot
  • Medium Shot

  • Extreme wide shot

  • Low angled shot

  • High angle shot

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Tutorial 5: Exporting Video

So you can now, set up a scratch disc, import clips edit and add text. But if you want to show your masterpiece to someone outside of the classroom, you will need to be able to export the video from Final Cut Pro.

So watch this short video to find out how to do it.

Tutorial 4: Adding Text

So you have an understanding of the basic editing functions on Final Cut Pro. Now you want to give your video a title, and maybe add some credits at the end. Well this is fairly easy all you have to do is watch this tutorial and apply it to your video.

Tutorial 3: Basic Editing Tutorial

Now the fun stuff begins. Watch this clip below to find out how to editing properly on Final Cut Pro.

Tutorial 2: How to ingest footage from your SD card into Final Cut Pro

Check out this video, to find out how to upload footage from your SD card into Final Cut Pro. These guys give you a lot of detail about how to get the footage off your SD card but it's really good to get into good habits right at the beginning.

Tutorial 1: First Things First: Set Your Scratch Disc

This is a really important stage in setting up a project in Final Cut Pro. At CWC you need to save all of your projects on the HD2 drive on the computer. So create a project folder with your name on it (hint use your real name) and set up your scratch discs to save all your work in your folder on the HD2 drive.

If you save your work anywhere else, then it may be deleted.

Setting up a scratch disc is easy and also extremely important. Watch this video where a child tells you how to do it!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Sonic Arts: To Do Today

Today's priority is to write a script and to get your script filmed, this is your main interview and will form the 'backbone' of your video profile. So if you haven't yet filmed your interview you need to finish writing your script and rehearse it before filming in the TV studio. The TV studio is room 3SE1 Studio 4.

If you have filmed your script you need to find/gather photographs/shoot addition video material for your video profile. You can get cameras from the Technicians store on the 3rd floor next to 3 SW17. Do not film offsite. Only film with the college building. Please return equipment and return to the classroom by 12pm.

We will be editing your interviews and the additional footage on Monday morning so that it is essential that you have the footage with you (do not lose your SD cards - give it to me if you think you wont be able to take responsibility for them).